Have you ever felt like you can’t fully be yourself with your friends?
Have you ever felt like you can’t tell people who you really are? Or what you really think about things? Or about the choices you have made in your life? Are you worried that if they knew what you were really like they wouldn’t want to be friends with you? Or for that matter that they wouldn’t even like you?
Consequently, we end up living a sort of half-life where we let friends in to a point but we don’t divulge our inner thought life for fear of being judged or shunned by our friendship group.
We can be like that with God too.
We live a life where we try and hide ‘our stuff’ from God, in the dark out of view, because we feel a sense of shame. If God knew ‘my stuff’, the very depths of my soul where I keep my private thoughts and feelings how could He love me?
God knows everything about us, every thought we have before we even have it. He is interested in every part of our lives including our thoughts and feelings, good or bad.
He wants us to be honest and raw with Him about how we feel and give it to Him so He can help us deal with it.
When we hide the things we feel ashamed of we are giving the enemy freedom to hold us captive and to believe the lies that no one will like us if they truly ‘know us’ and that some things are best left in the dark.
It becomes a ‘trap’ that holds us back in our walk with God and from being all we are called to be.
Romans 8:1 ‘There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus’.
God sees us as righteous because of His son Jesus and, not only that, we are His precious princesses, daughters of the King!
If you have felt disqualified because of wrong choices the truth is that any reason you feel disqualified is a platform for God to be glorified. He brings light in the darkness, hope to the broken and provides a way home.
I encourage you to take ownership over past mistakes or bad choices by getting real with God and talking to Him about them. Then give Him permission to come and heal you and use your mistakes or bad choices to make them something beautiful that could help others.
He makes all things beautiful and new, heals and restores, and glorifies Himself through our weaknesses.
I was reminded of a game you may have played growing up when you pull the petals off of a daisy one by one saying; ‘he loves me, he loves me not’. But in this game, imagine God was saying as the petals were being pulled off; ‘I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you’ and ‘nothing is going to change my love for you!’
From a very grateful and over whelmed daughter of the King, He loves you, He loves you, He loves you, He loves you, He loves you, He loves you!