Have you ever fancied trying a new hobby, like painting, writing, sewing or even dancing? If you have, like me, you may then have gone as far as buying all the gear you are going to need, watching a few YouTube videos or speaking to friends who already pursue this hobby so they can explain or show you ‘how to’.
I realised that I have done this many times! I get inspired by something I’ve seen and then I get all excited about starting it, to then go on and give it a few goes before deciding it’s too hard and I’m not very good at it, losing heart quickly, then trying to sell the kit I’ve bought on eBay because I no longer need it (please say it’s not just me)!
Well, walking with God and stepping out to ‘do the stuff’ can be a bit like that. We may see other people being courageous and sharing what they feel God is saying, praying for friends or colleagues and seeing results or seeing people get healed and before you know it we start to think, why am I not hearing God, seeing people healed when I pray or talking to people about Jesus so freely and naturally? Before we know it we have started down the route of comparison, a very dangerous road to go down – more on that at a later date…
We don’t however know where they are on their walk with God and we only see what is in front of us now, their ‘today’. We really have no idea how long they have been stepping out and doing this stuff or what their journey may have looked like to this point but, we are judging ourselves on what we see them doing. Does this sound at all familiar?
Today, God wants to reassure you that we all need to start somewhere, because starting somewhere is better than not starting at all, and we are on a journey into becoming who we are called to be.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand” – Zechariah 4:10
When we become Christians we are just like babies, who need milk for nourishment to grow except we need spiritual food to grow.
“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” – 1 Peter 2:2-3
But, unlike human babies, who rely on somebody else to feed them, baby Christians need to feed themselves and the best, most wholesome food available is the word of God. So, reading your bible regularly, whether that means following a bible reading plan, bible in a year, daily devotionals or bible journaling, that one way or another we need to get the word into us so that we grow spiritually healthy and strong.
We are on a lifelong journey with God and you can’t rush the journey otherwise you wouldn’t be ready for all that God wants you to do. He has great plans and purposes for your life, each and every one of you and there are lessons he needs to teach you along the way that will develop and shape your character to be more like His precious son Jesus.
The bible is full of amazing men and women who have started with small acts of obedience like the boy who gave his lunch when Jesus needed to feed the 5000. It took just a small act and look what Jesus did with it, a miracle of feeding 5000 with the contents of a boys lunchbox!
God can take the small stuff we do and turn it into something amazing, if we let Him. He just needs us to take a step of faith when we hear His still, small voice and act. Remember, we don’t need to worry about the outcome because that is not our responsibility but God’s – phew!
God in his grace doesn’t choose a few super stars to do ‘the stuff’ but He chooses us with all our failures and weaknesses.
Anyway, back to the start of the blog and hobbies. I am currently waiting to start my new journaling bible and have paint, stickers, pens and washi tape, I’ve watched the YouTube videos and I feel inspired…watch this space!
1 comment
word!!! love it 🙂