“So being in a new job, out of my friends comfort zone at university, without my best friend and with a family who were also broken (and also celebrating) I felt like the rug under my feet had just been completely ripped out in the space of a week!” [Read the rest of Part 1 here and part 2 here]
We are to be unshakeable looking to the future and laughing knowing our father is good.
During this season I would often relate back to the story in Daniel 3 where three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were faced with either bowing to King Nebuchadnezza or being thrown into fire to die.
Their response to dying in the fire went like this:
‘If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, that we will never serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.’
To have the confidence when faced with death to say ‘And if not, he is still good, we will still serve him’ was totally my cry of faith during this time.
I needed to get into my heart that whatever I faced in life, whatever turbulence I was going through, God is still good – He has not left me, I haven’t walked off His plan somehow, he has my back and in order to give Him glory during this season I needed to see above what I was facing.
That is not to belittle anything at all that anyone is facing, life is tough and throws us a whole heap to deal with but I can say that God IS good, He has never left you and he never will, He is walking this right next to you, He is behind you and He is in front of you. He has got you. What God said to you in the light, and the promises he gave you on top of the mountain, are also true when you are in the darkness and the valley.
God knows best, he has our best interest at heart. When we are in that stage of trial, it’s challenging to think in this way but like a gardener cuts back the plants for further growth; God prunes us when he is about to take us into new seasons of growth and expansion.
God is calling us to be unshakable women knowing that we can laugh in the face of worldly uncertainty and faced with hard seasons, because at the bottom line we know that He IS good and He has a plan.