I adore Christmas. I’m not so much of a winter person, but every year when Christmas rolls around it makes my heart oh so happy. I love the movies, the food, the beautiful lights and spending time with those I love most.
However that being said, I can’t help but feel Christmas is becoming more and more commercial which detracts from the origin of why we celebrate in the first place – Jesus. There is nothing wrong with the things associated with this season, but when it comes to take a higher stand than the real Christmas story, we lose sight of why and what, we have to celebrate.
With that in mind, I have compiled a lil’ list of things we can all do to make this a more meaningful and enjoyable Christmas.
1) Write Christmas cards with a little message telling someone that you appreciate them being in your life, and why.
2) Send a group text around with a Bible verse on Christmas Day to remind them you’re thinking of them.
3) Bake something special. (FYI – I am a terrible cook but even I have tried and attempted this one, it is the thought that counts after all!)
4) Invite friends along to a special Christmas service at church.
5) Stop and chat to a homeless person living on the streets, and offer them a hot sandwich or drink. (You can do this all through the year, too!)
6) Get involved with a shoebox appeal or hamper project, there are always so many going on at this time of year.
7) Spend the time of Advent in thankfulness – write down something you’re grateful for everyday for December.
8) Be creative and original with gifts, spend time choosing something that would mean a lot for each person.
9) Start a Christmas Bible reading plan (highly recommend the YouVersion app for this).
10) Have a wardrobe clear-out and donate some of your clothes to friends or a charity shop.
11) Serve and volunteer somewhere that is especially busy at this time of year; maybe a food bank or a care home for the elderly.
12) Buy someone a present who is least expecting it.
13) Look back over the past year and consider all the positive and good things that have occurred and write a list of them as a sort of memoir to look back over in the years to come.
14) Host a get-together with some friends (maybe a movie night or meal together) and all donate a little spare change to go to charity.
15) Send a letter to someone to remind them that they are loved and valued at this time of year through an organisation such as A21 or Compassion.
Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas x