Dear Young Woman,
You are gorgeous. You were designed with such careful precision,
every aspect of you given the Creator’s upmost attention.
The end result is nothing less than perfect.
Dear Young Woman,
You are loved. Cherished by a Father whose every moment
is spent thinking about you.
Your preciousness in his eyes is far greater than any treasured jewel,
your worth goes far beyond even the most precious crystals.
Dear Young Woman,
You are understood.
He sees the lonely nights when you question the value of this life,
the dark times when all you desire is a refuge to hide.
Remember that the Lord Almighty is there for you, always.
He longs for you to find safety and peace in his eternal fortress of love and trust.
He is your rock.
Dear Young Woman,
Your past does not define you.
In Him you are a new creation.
The old sins, lies, hurts and memories fall away as you step into your purpose.
No more are you bound by the chains of your past,
but you have been set free to live out all the incredible plans that God has for you.
Dear Young Woman,
You are His.
Absolutely nothing can snatch you from the grip of God’s loving arms.
Never forget that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present not the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in creation can separate you from the Lord’s outrageous love.