Exams, coursework and deadlines can make this time of the year a bit stressful! If you’re feeling anxious about any of your upcoming work, then remember you are not alone. Millions of young people across the world are going through the same emotions and it is completely normal to be feeling this way. There are a few ways you can calm these nerves in the build-up to these deadlines and help get the best out of yourself.
It’s probably the hardest step in the whole process whether it be getting the introduction written or deciding where to even begin your revision. The beginning is the most overwhelming stage and the quicker you can get yourself going, the better.
Write lists at the beginning of each study session of the tasks you want to complete, start with the smallest and work your way up to the biggest. Breaking things down into smaller tasks can really help your brain stay on track and if you focus on getting the little things done, you’ll soon realise that you’ve made a real dent with the big things!
There are SOOO many potential distractions and if you’re honest with yourself, about 90% of them are coming from your phone. Set yourself timers or use apps that lock your phone for a certain amount of time, to minimise the distractions. Try out some different methods and see what works best for you. Breaking the phone scrolling habits might feel difficult at the beginning but you can use it to motivate you through your work.
Comparison can make things really difficult at any time of the year, but particularly when your friends are revising for the same exam it can make it challenging to focus on yourself. You might feel like other people are doing endless amounts of revision or have prettier mind maps than you. It’s easier said than done, but focus on your own work. Everyone goes at their own pace, has their own revision methods and styles, that does not mean your work is wrong.
Try lots of different techniques whether it be reading, mind maps or past papers. If you can come up with different ways to think about the topic, you’ll be more confident going into the exam. Try working in different locations like the library or a café and some people even work better with their friends. Variety is key, especially if you’re preparing for a deadline that is a few weeks away, as it will help you stay engaged.
You’re doing your best and that is all you need to do. You deserve a break, time for yourself and time to have fun. The better you feel within yourself, the better quality your work will be. So have a pamper evening, go to the cinema with your friends and have a nice meal with your family. Having good quality breaks is just as important as having good quality revision time.
Finally, and most importantly: Pray to God about your worries. He will be with you in all of your exams and revision, He will guide and support you always. One Bible verse that I hope will give you some comfort is: “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make you paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6.
You’ve totally got this!