Can you believe we are now in November? Where has the year gone? We are less than 60 days from Christmas….it’s now safe to bring out the tree, decorations, and start singing carols at the top of our lungs!
One of my favourite things to do towards the end of the year is reflect on the year I have had, the good, the bad, the unexpected, the surprises, and give thanks for it ALL!
For some of us the year has not gone how we expected it and we may feel low and disappointed, and for others the year has exceeded your expectations, either way we need to finish strong.
Let’s say things have not worked out for you, do not fear! God is still working, Philippians 3:13-14 says “but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”
We have a lot of examples in the Bible of people who pressed on despite their circumstances.
David had a great start as the young shepherd who defeated a giant with just a sling shot and a few stones! (1 Samuel 17). However, later on in life we read that he had an affair with Uriah’s wife and had Uriah killed to cover it up…BIG mistake! David was quick to repent when the prophet Nathan brought this to his attention. But in the end, the Bible tells us he was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22), so despite all the mess in the middle, he was the only person referred to in this way in the Bible!
In Judges 6 we learn of another man called Gideon who disqualified himself before God even said anything! When the angel of the Lord called him a ‘mighty warrior’ he didn’t believe it and went on to say he came from the weakest family, but that didn’t matter to God because God saw his future and addressed him based on where he was going, not where he had come from! He indeed became a mighty warrior!
Believe it or not, whether you have had a bad, good or great year so far, there is even better ahead.
We need to have hearts that trust God and believe that He is working for our good. Let’s not give up but instead get excited for what lies ahead!
You are almost at the finish line, press on and finish strong!