If you’ve heard this Christianese phrase before you may have had the same feeling of dread and reluctance as I have felt.
Being a big dreamer and planner, the idea of sacrificing and putting to death my dreams seemed harsh, and something I wasn’t remotely keen on. It was a warped idea that God would not let any of my plans happen because that’s how He worked, He did the opposite to what we wanted. I’ve come to realise that this, fortunately isn’t true.
We live in this chunk of time when we wait for Jesus to return. We’re living in God’s patience as He longs for all people across the world to hear about him and choose to follow him. Everyday we live is an extra day for more people to be told about Jesus and for us to see his kingdom here on earth. We’re part of a bigger story than us and our lives. We’re invited to play a part in his story of how the gospel spreads to the ends of the earth and how everything from towns to nations can be changed by the gospel invading people’s lives. This is our calling to see and be part of gospel invasion.
I say this because it’s important to know God’s big picture when we consider laying down our lives for Him. In our relationship with him as daughters, our story becomes part of His story. It looks like saying to God ‘This is your story, use me how you wish in bringing it about’.
So, what about our personal dreams or plans? Well we have such a good Dad who loves to give us what we ask for. When we lay down our lives we let God be Lord over them. We let the author of the big story have the say in whether the dreams of our hearts happen or not.
We don’t lay them down in the sense they wont ever happen or God doesn’t want them to happen. Instead, we give them to Him as our Father who knows us best but also knows what is best. We have a father who we can trust to take care of our dreams and who is powerful enough to make them happen. There are so many verses in the bible that tell us to ask Him for things, believe Him that he has good plans, and for us to commit our ways to Him.
Perhaps today you need to join me in praying this:
God, thank you that you have saved me and that my life will never be the same. Thank you that you don’t want anyone not to know you and your heart is for everyone to hear your good news. God would you help me to give you my life to be part of what you are doing across the earth. I give you my plans and dreams and let you rule over them, being a powerful and kind father. Help us not to worry and to remember your bigger picture in the busyness of life. Thank you for your undeserving goodness towards us as your daughters. Amen