Happy Galentine’s Day!
This is a fairly new celebration bought on by an episode of ‘Parks and Recreation’, but one that is certainly needed as Galentine’s gives us the excuse to celebrate all your favourite females!
Whether you want to show your gratitude for your besties, sister or other role models in your life – today is the perfect opportunity! It’s a great day to simply celebrate being a girl and to support your fellow sisters by building each other up!
It’s the perfect reminder to share some gratitude for your besties and this can be done through LOADS of different ways. One of the great things about this celebration is that there is no focus on spending lots of money or showering people in gifts, although you can show your love this way, there is SO much more to today!
My favourite way to do this is by handwriting a card to my favourite ladies in life, it is such a personal and thoughtful thing to do. Something as easy as writing a card including maybe 3 of your favourite things about them, simply saying ‘thank you for your friendship’ or just to compliment them on being a kind-hearted strong female. It’s such a simple idea and if you’re not up for handwriting a note, then sharing these things by text or through social media can be just as powerful.
If they’re into social media, then promoting their online content and recognising their hard work is a great free way to support them too.
Galentine’s gives you the chance to reflect on the great women throughout history and how far we have come as a gender. Equality is something females have been fighting for, for years and I think that having this celebration of womanhood is a great way of showing our gratitude for all they’ve done.
Being a female is incredible, and it’s amazing that strides being made within society all the time towards an equal future. This celebration reminds the world of the importance of women and how great we all are both, individually and as a collective – you go girls!
It’s amazing when you think about our capacity to change the world, particularly as girls. Scripture even highlights the importance of supporting each other, it writes “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” – Proverbs 14:1.
I love how relevant this verse is today, we should be supporting, complimenting and encouraging other girls. Other people’s success does not belittle your own and other’s beauty does not make yourself uglier.
I think it’s important to remember that as teenage girls you have the power to do whatever you want; the world is your oyster. You are not valued by your physical appearance or Instagram likes, what’s truly important is your character – like your ability to make people smile, your loyalty and the different ways you spread happiness.
These are the qualities we are celebrating this Galentine’s Day and I hope this has been a reminder for you all to celebrate yourself and others every day of the year. Never underestimate girl power!