It seems like everywhere we turn #RelationshipGoals is on our Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr feeds. All these loved-up images can make you feel slightly put out especially if you are single and waiting for your chance of that fairy tale dream.
But all we have to do is slightly shift our perspective to see that it’s not all bad…
2 Peter 3: 9- ‘‘The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’’
God is using this time to prepare you for what is ahead. He knows what is best for you and His time is the best.
I have noticed that when I am impatient and try to make things work in my power and on my terms it usually ends with me being disappointed in the situation and crying to God for help, which brings me back to square one. If I had just waited on Him it would have been a much easier path.
#Waitonit *double clicks*
Being a young, single, woman is not easy (I can tell you that for sure) especially when you are feeling pressured by media and those around you who are in relationships. Yet this is probably one of the most important times of your life where you can unselfishly focus on yourself.
You can focus on the important people in your life; like your mates and family. Focus on the talents God has blessed you with and use this time to develop them and yourself, learn new skills and enjoy new adventures. And the most essential of all, to continue developing your relationship with God and relying on Him for everything.
Once your attention is on the things that really matter, you’ll probably forget about the commotion of #relationshipgoals anyway!
God has a plan for you and being in (or not in) a relationship doesn’t define who you are and who God has made you to be.
So go out and be that fearless, amazing, single, young woman.