When someone says Christianity, what do you think? Maybe Jesus is your first thought, or perhaps you think about Church. But what about Sundays? After all, it is the day most Churches meet. However, should the Christian message just be saved for Sundays and the 4 walls of church?
As Christians we are encouraged to get involved with mission, whether this is through Church, school or youth group. However, recently I’ve been wondering: what exactly is mission? Is it going out of our way to deliver food to those in need, or volunteering at a residential home? Whilst these things are incredible to do and so beneficial to those we help, it may not always be possible for us to give up hours at a time during our busy week to help. But just because we can’t necessarily spread Christian mission and love in this way, it doesn’t mean that we can’t put Jesus’ love into action.
One way we can put missionary love into action during the week is through a very simple way… smiling! Smile at someone this week, and honestly it will make their day. Or, perhaps there’s someone at school or work who always has lunch alone. Why not invite them to eat with you? Jesus taught that no one should be excluded, so how better to carry out Christian mission than directly following what Jesus did!
There are so many ways to continue the Christian message throughout the week… and here are just a few I’ve come up with:
Use your talents God has blessed you with to cheer someone up (give a mini piano recital to a friend, paint a picture together, bake a cake for someone you love, or just be a really great listener if someone is having a really tough time).
Help someone else in class who’s struggling with their work, offer to walk someone else’s dog, go and have a chat with someone in your neighbourhood who’s lonely, tidy your room without your parents having to ask, try to create less plastic waste or make dinner. The list is endless, and you are only limited by your creativity! Go on, have a go at spreading the Gospel love, and you will make at least one person feel better.
Church totally doesn’t have to be for Sundays. In fact, why not make the Christian message spread every day of the week?
Remember, “You are the light of the world” – Matthew 5:14. You have the potential to change the world, one good deed at a time. Be guided by God, for he has great plans for you (if you don’t believe me check out Jeremiah 29:11), and don’t worry if you think you are too small to make a big difference. Because whatever you do won’t go unnoticed, and if everyone spreads a little bit of sunshine, the world will be a better place. So, go on, you can do it!
1 comment
Absolutely amazing! so so true, being a christian isn’t just for Sundays or church events – It’s for every single day of your life. I love this article