Lately, I became obsessed with that song from Passion, called ‘God is so good’. Not only is the tune pretty catchy, but the lyrics are awesome and powerful. Most importantly, this song reminded me to be grateful for what God has done in my life and in my loved ones.
Sometimes, we tend to fix our mind on issues or things that do not seem to be going the way we want them to be. The danger to this is that we could downplay all the blessings and good things that God has given us or done in our lives.
Why is God so good? Well, firstly, Jesus has saved us. He came on earth, died on the cross, lived a really humble life, gave up his royal status to save us. He didn’t have to do this, but He did it so that we can have the hope of living with Him in heaven and live a life filled with purpose in this world. This great sacrifice really shows His love for us and how good He is.
Another good example of God’s goodness is that He listens to us and answers our prayers! How many of you can say that He has answered your prayers? You might have been in a desperate situation, struggling with an addiction, bad habits, or struggling at school with either people or studies, but did you witness a change in your situation when you prayed? The change might not come immediately, but with perseverance, Jesus answers us! This, again is a true example that God is good! He wants the best for us and loves to help us through our challenges. The bible tells us that God works ALL things together for good! (Romans 8:28) How incredible is that?
The fact that Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit, also called ‘the comforter‘ (John 14:26), is a true act of goodness. Jesus knew that we would be facing different situations, sometimes difficult ones, and what better way of feeling Jesus in our lives by having the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit helps us understand what we read from the Bible, and gives us the strength and courage needed to live the life Jesus has called us to live.
It’s true that there is a lot of bad stuff happening in this world, but accepting Jesus as our personal saviour truly changes our lives. He can definitely turn the ugly, messy things in our lives into beautiful and amazing things. Jesus loves us and wants the best for us.
The bible shares a lot of stories about how Jesus is compassionate and how he healed sick people as well as the broken-hearted. These stories never grow old! Even today, there are a lot of people seeing their lives changed (if you haven’t ever heard about a story like this, I would recommend going to a Christian bookshop – maybe your church even has one – and look for those books where people, from our current generation, share how they met Jesus or how they got healed!).
God is so good and will never stop to show His goodness towards humanity.