So GGF gang can I be real with you? What I’m about to write is something that I have been struggling with recently. It includes patience, trust and faith but most importantly it’s about trusting the process.
I’ve recently finished uni (Woo!) but with that celebratory moment comes some responsibility and a sense of purpose. The most asked questions I have gotten from the moment the sweat dried on my final performance are ‘What are you doing next? What are your plans? What job are you going to apply for?’
The people asking are only asking out of love and support but on the flip-side it gives me a lot of anxiety and adds a little more pressure, pressure that I am already piling on myself.
Trusting the Process.
My process at this present time is the transition from student to “adult”, finishing institutionalised education is a big deal, I’ve been in school for 17 years! This transition takes time. Maybe you are transitioning or entering into a new realm of changes that may be challenging and scary.
I tend to be patient with most things, but time, especially to do with my future I am not.
I want everything now, now now, I see people “making” it at my age and I ask myself, well dang girl when is it going to be my time to “glo up”?
Trust the process.
I have so many ideas and plans (#lifeofacreative) that I cannot wait to get off the ground, but it needs time, I can’t rush it. Am I rushing it for immediate Insta fame and Facebook likes, or because God wants me to?
Trust the process.
Trusting the process also means releasing myself from fear, doubt and anxiety. We are good enough, We are worthy enough, We are talented enough to make it in this world because we are put on this planet to do so.
Trust the process.
Most times, you are your own worst enemy. I can tell you right now, the person piling on the most pressure is myself, no one else.
‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live… I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.’ – Ecclesiastes 3:1,11-14
Trust the process
And Trust HIM.