Last week marked a small but significant milestone in my life: I went to work with a full face of makeup. This has previously only occurred on such occasions as school productions and best friends’ weddings and has usually involved assistance. This time it was all me. It’s the start of my makeup revolution!
Growing up, my beauty routine was a daily hair brush and blue eye shadow for special occasions. Everyone has hilarious, embarrassing makeup fails (one time I decided that lip-gloss would be a great eye shadow alternative – cue an uncomfortable evening of sticky skin peeling whenever I blinked!) and I laugh now, but at the time my mistakes made the world of hair and beauty seem like a scary place.
I therefore entered adult life armed only with a faithful lip gloss, some dubious eye shadow and mascara, and the blessing of very clear skin. And without much else I managed to survive the first half of my twenties.
Then a few months ago I noticed the beginnings of wrinkles and tired eyes from getting that tiny bit older and having a quite full-on job. I decided it was about time I did something about this makeup malarkey!
A dear friend who is a film makeup artist was clearly the right person to ask for help. I told her my worries and she took me under her wing. It turned out to be so much fun! We spent an afternoon shopping for reasonably priced, beginner-friendly but sophisticated makeup and then she gave me and another friend a tutorial in how to put it on. She even let us do her makeup afterwards!
So from what I’ve learned, here are my tops tips for anyone else who is a bit scared of making their first steps into the world of makeup:
- Looking after your skin is the most important thing. More important than creating that flawless finish is keeping your skin is healthy. I use a BB cream with SPF to moisturise and protect from UV rays.
- Start with matching and neutrals. While you’re getting used to applying and wearing makeup pick neutral shades of eye shadow and a lipstick that matches your lip colour. The aim is to look like you but smoother and brighter!
- When you’re comfortable with your abilities don’t be afraid to make a statement. Add a bright coloured lipstick – I loved trying an orangey coral – or just make everything bigger and bolder!
Have fun!