[Psalm 23]
‘He makes me lie down in green pastures’.
Sounds of birds chirping filled the air. The faint rush of a waterfall coupled with the swish of the leaves in the light breeze could be heard in the distance.
I felt the warmth from above coach my eyes open, in a daze the crystal blue skies hit me as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes to get a better view, in awe I gazed at my surroundings. Luscious, green, hills rolled for miles on end, colourful birds filled the tress and the grass felt like velvet on my bare feet, ‘He makes me to lie down in green pastures’, The thought quickly left my mind just as it had entered.
Where am I? I thought as I strolled around aimlessly in the green path. There were no directions, no sign posts and definitely no sign of GPS here, some time passed and I came to a junction where three paths lead into three different directions.
Without any thought or backward glance I chose the middle path.
As I continued to walk, hills turned into thick bushes and bushes turned into trees. I had walked for hours and it was starting to get dark. The air felt musky and tank, the skies, a murky grey. The trees no longer looked the verdant green they had before; they were entwined in a dark, olive colour.
Suddenly I felt a cold breeze, although the air was slightly warm, the breeze seemed to catapult the forest into a shroud of darkness. I stumbled along the uneven path, unable to see clearly. My heart pounded in my chest as anxiety gripped me to the core. ‘’Breathe, in out, in out’’ I sighed to myself as I tried to calm down.
‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me.’
‘’I know this verse’’, I uttered to myself. I felt a twinge of hope in my soul, similar to the one I had felt earlier on. Ugh God, I thought, where on earth am I? After the frustrated thought had passed I saw a flicker of light in the distance. Hope rose in my heart. I quickened my step in anticipation to reach the light before it dimmed.
‘Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.’
And as before a feeling of Déjà vu washed over me and left as quickly as it had come…
What do you think will happen to the protagonist of this short story?
Leave your comments below and get ready for the second instalment!