Being a part of a friendship group is fabulous but it has its dramas, too! I’m sure we have all faced the dreaded time when two of your best buddies have had a fall-out and you’re left in the middle. It can be hard to know what to do in that situation. Should you pick a side? Sit them down together and force them to talk it out? Leave the friendship group entirely? Some of our very wise Girl Got Faith contributors share their best advice for what to do if you’re the piggy in the middle.
Anita says: “The one thing I can say as the friend who’d fallen out with her friends is taking sides will always end badly because you just can’t please everybody! From my experiences, the best course of action would be to stay well and truly out of the conflict (don’t play the blame game at all!) but encourage each side to reconcile and remind them of why they are friends in the first place. Fallings out come and go, so no need to get new friends.”
Keeks says: I would definitely say try not to pick a side, even if you are closer to one of them, because you don’t want anyone to feel isolated. If one person has done something blatantly wrong to the other, tell them that, but if it doesn’t affect you then there’s no need to be mean. I would also say listen to each of their sides but don’t partake in catty remarks or gossip because when they decide to make up again you don’t want your comments to bite you in the bum!
Becci says: I have been in this situation several times, and what have I learnt? Don’t get involved. I think if you feel really passionate about what one of them did to the other then you should share your opinion, be upfront and explain why that person is in the wrong but do this with love and not anger. Think before you speak. You must also be really careful not to bad mouth one of them, because if you are talking that way about a friend, this friend is going to know it won’t be long before you are talking about her that way. To sum up, I would say don’t take sides, because before long your friends will probably make up and you will end up looking like the lemon.
If you need any more advice then feel free to contact us using the form on the About Us page. We would love to help!