Growing up, I didn’t understand too much about prayer; just that if you want something, pray for it and God will give it to you.
Generally speaking, that is true. We should pray for the things we want and if God knows it’s right for us, he will deliver. I’ve come to understand more about prayer and one of the most important things I learnt is prayer requires a lot of patience. Everything in our lives revolves around God’s timing and His plan for our lives which can be difficult to remember when you know just how important something is to you! But remember – if it’s important to you, it’s important to Him!
Don’t feel disheartened if you’re praying for something and it feels like maybe God’s not listening or maybe like He’s not there. Every time we talk to Him, He’s listening! One of the amazing things about God is that He has the ability to see much further into our future’s than we can, so he can see how what we want affects our lives, if it is the best thing for us and the best time for us to have it. So even though it may be difficult at times, we must remember, He has our best interests at heart!