My home church recently had the most amazing speaker come and talk to us about his incredible, and highly dangerous work in Burundi. His talk was super challenging, and he specifically listed a load of choices that we as Christians, and even just as people, make every day. The one that hit me the hardest was the question he asked, “When you pray about the future do you ask for clarity, or trust?”
I’m about to start my final year at University, and the question everyone asks me is “So what are you going to do afterwards?” The truth is: I have no idea! I have loads of interests, skills, and passions, but the idea of turning that into a job that can pay the rent is pretty daunting! I’ve prayed for clarity so often I reckon I could just record myself doing it and hit play 30 times a day! So to hear someone telling me that I didn’t need to pray for clarity, but pray for trust, was a real eye opener.
I couldn’t help but think: That’s all very well, but you were given a really clear calling to go and risk your life to bring the hope of Jesus to desperate people in Burundi. I live in Wales, and at some point, I’m going to have to sit in front of a computer and start applying for Grad Jobs… how do I know what God wants me to click on!?
I’m still figuring that one out, but so far, I’ve simply waited on God. This can be nerve-wracking. Especially if you’re like me and want to have a solid 5 year plan with all the pieces in place, well in advance. But this year I’m going to have to simply focus on getting the best degree that I can, and live as well as I can for God in this final year, because that’s where he’s put me right now. And then trust that my next step will become clear, the right opportunity will appear, and I’ll be equipped to move forward. This doesn’t mean I simply sit back and wait for someone to hire me! In the same way you can’t sit back and wait for someone to just give you a place at university, or an apprenticeship, or the next city you want to live in. God gave us our talents, our skills, our passions, they are there to be used!
But when it comes to praying, now I simply ask for trust. That I would not be afraid of the next few years, but understand that God’s got it in hand, and his plan for me is amazing!