How do interviews make you feel?
According to a study by Harris Interactive and Everest College, 92% of us get anxious about job interviews, and I will tell you right now; I am definitely in that 92%.
The older we get, generally the more interviews we end up having to do. This might be an interview for a part-time job while you’re still in school, an interview to get into Sixth Form or University, an interview for a gap year or summer programme or an interview for a job when you’ve finished education.
There are many reasons why interviews can make us nervous, mainly because we want to succeed and so we panic about anything that could possibly go wrong. In the past few years since leaving school I have had my fair share of interviews for various courses and jobs, so in this article I am going to share with you my top tips for staying calm when you have interviews.
Be Prepared
This is probably the oldest tip in the book, but in my opinion it is also what will make the most difference!
Research which interview questions are likely to come up for the position you are applying for (you can literally google ‘interview questions for university/retail/college’) and make some notes on how you can answer them relating to your qualities and experiences. Make sure to visit the organisations’ website to find out some background information about them – interviewers love candidates who have taken time to find out more!
Where possible, take a week or so to put all of this together rather than cramming the night before, so by the time your interview day comes you’ll be confident you have all the knowledge you need.
Dress Professionally
When you are being interviewed, first impressions count! Remember that the people interviewing you will not know anything about you and so you have to make sure that you do not give off an unprofessional impression before they even speak to you.
Don’t wear anything too short, too low cut or too casual. Make sure whatever you wear you try it on before the day to make sure it’s comfortable. If in doubt, Pinterest has so many great ideas for amazing interview outfits!
Be Positive
In my own experience, I find that I get the most nervous if I constantly obsess over what could go wrong, or focus too much on what I feel I’m lacking. An attitude of looking down on yourself will make you feel as if you aren’t accomplished or good enough to succeed at what you have applied for.
When you wake up the morning of an interview pray and ask God to help you see yourself as he sees you; loved, smart and capable! Even if things don’t go perfectly, all experiences are helpful, keep your hope in God because the right thing will come along!
I will just leave you with one of my favourite bible verses to read before I have an interview;
“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” – John 14:27
Next time you have an interview remember that the Holy Spirit that lives in you gives you everything you need for every situation; confidence, strength, joy, wisdom and peace.