Growing up, we are taught to be responsible, make decisions, manage your time, your finances, prioritise. Sometimes though, we can get too good at it and forget we need God. We take charge and forget where we should let go and trust God to be in control.
Trusting God is easier said than done, especially if you’re pretty dependant on yourself. You become that annoying back seat passenger in the car who keeps telling the driver what speed to go at, when to brake, what traffic light they have violated, no one likes a backseat driver.
If you get into a car with someone you have to trust that they know what they are doing and they will get you from point A to B in one piece.
I love how God is so patient with us. From the beginning of time He has had to deal with our doubts and the consequences thereof and is always reassuring us because His plans are always good. Do you remember the story in the Genesis about Abraham and Sarah? Imagine what would have happened if they had just trusted God’s promise that they would have a child, and waited for their baby Isaac instead of having a plan B and bringing Ishmael into the world? The promise did come in the end but on God’s time.
I am glad when Abraham had to trust God a second time with Isaac and had to sacrifice his son he truly believed the Lord would provide a ram, and just in the nick of time God came through for him and provided a sacrifice so Isaac could live!
The children of Israel were known to test God a lot. That journey to the ‘promised land’ could have been much quicker than the 40 years it took, if only they had trusted God and trusted the journey they had to go through to get to the other side.
There are so many examples in the Bible of how trusting God would have been the best to avoid further disastrous outcomes. What journey are you going through right now?
Are you tempted to quit or give God your own version of how things should play out?
Can I encourage you to trust God one more time? Hold on and stand still, knowing that God’s plans for you are always good!
Think back to a situation you have faced before which you thought was the worst of the worst, and if you are out of it, still standing, then you can reassure yourself that the same God who did it then, will do it for you again and again. Just let go and let God!
1 comment
Beautiful read ? Really encouraging, we ought to trust more …