So, I’m having coffee with a lady from church, and the conversation is going nicely; she’s not asking me anything super deep. But then she says, “How often do you read your Bible, Mischa?”
Ummmm… Oh dear.
I have to confess, I did tell a liiiiitle bit of a white lie to the lady, because reading my Bible regularly is something I really struggle with.
Over these past few weeks I’ve been chatting with people and thinking about how to combat this, and I’ve come up with a few ideas…
- Understand why.
We read the Bible because ‘all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.’ (2 Timothy 3:16. NIV)
- Baby steps.
Bible In A Year is a great concept, but sometimes I forget a day (or maybe two. Or three. Or four…) and then I get demotivated and then I miss more days and then I give up and then I do Feel Guilty For A Year instead. So give yourself a goal; maybe you’ll read one Psalm every morning, or aim to get through the whole of Romans by the end of the term. Choose a goal which is realistic, but regular.
- Listen to it.
Bibles sometimes do not make themselves easy to read. #justsaying #honestyhour #bibleheavierthanasmallchild.
They’re massive and the words are really tiny. Some people learn best by hearing things, not reading them, so try listening to Scripture instead. On you can choose the version, the language, even the accent of the narrator.
- Get creative.
God asks us to ‘meditate on it [Scripture] day and night’ (Joshua 1:8. NIV). Meditation doesn’t necessarily have to involve chimes and joss sticks, it can mean just dedicating time and energy to really think about an idea. Write a song using lyrics from King David, draw or paint, write a blog post… create beautiful things people. (I would LOVE to see/ hear what you guys come up with- post them in the comments so we can all get inspired!)
- Don’t go it alone.
Meet up with friends, or older Christians (make use of those wisdemous brains). We are not meant to make this journey all by ourselves.
Hope these were helpful, let us know how it goes!
Hi Mischa! Just wanted to say that I go to St Peters School and remember you as a student there. I was a little year 8 at the time and was so inspired by the way you were a witness for the Lord in the way that you spoke in assemblies and interacted with others, it has really encouraged me in my own faith to have seen you living as a christian! Also this is an amazing post 🙂 X
hey Ellie- so great to hear that! God bless you gal xxx