The new year is almost here and we are at the point where you are deciding whether to make any new year’s resolutions or to not bother at all this year because you can’t even remember what your resolutions were last year, let alone remember if you had accomplished them!
Girl Got Faith had the opportunity to speak to someone who definitely remembers hers, and who actually accomplished it in the 12 months of 2015.
Simone set herself a challenge titled 12 Months 12 Locations.
“Last year I was in Turkey with one of my friends and she was like I wanna visit 12 cities next year and do one a month. I didn’t know about doing cities because I felt like it would be a bit unrealistic for budget and it would be quite hard because you’d have to think of a city every month. I wanted to explore and meet new people, and I wanted to come out of my comfort zone. So my only rule was that it had to be outside London. The challenge allowed me to explore parts of England that we would otherwise neglect or not even think about!”
Why did you choose this particular challenge?
“I love travelling, but I think the challenge was more about setting myself a task and completing it and being consistent and having the faith to know that God will see me through it. But also to encompass stuff like meeting new people and coming out of my comfort zone.”
What was your best bit of the whole challenge?
“My favourite month was May which was LA and Vegas. I spent four days in LA, four days in Vegas, and three days in LA. We did a road-trip from LA to Vegas which was a four and a half hour drive. My friend lives in LA so I went to see her but have an adventure and explore while I’m there too.
My runner up would be the northern lights. I went to an equivalent called Kilburn observatory in Northumbria and that was in October. It’s so dark that when it illuminates you see the beautiful sky, you capture the moon, the stars, and the atoms! That was my geeky trip but it was amazing!”
12 months is a big commitment. There must have been times you felt like giving up?
“100%. There are some months you just think oh my gosh I don’t want to be a quitter but this is really hard. If you don’t plan ahead and say in this month I’d like to do this or explore that, it’s quite difficult to keep the challenge going.
In September I wanted to quit but I ended up having such an amazing experience. I just booked a day in a spa in oxford. I had me time, I got pampered and all that girly stuff. I felt like I wasn’t actually afraid to be alone. With the location challenges it’s easy to want go with friends and I wanted people to come with me too, but sometimes it’s really amazing if you can just spend time with yourself.”
As with most new year’s resolutions, if we quit we are the only one that looses out! Where do you get your self-motivation from?
“Obviously I could have just quit but I had put a load of stuff out on social media anyway. People were asking what challenge is next and writing on Facebook “this is so inspiring!” Even though only you will know, you want to encourage and inspire others. I wanted people to be inspired by this challenge and see that they could do something like that. Or set a goal they’ve always wanted to do. It doesn’t have to be travelling; it could be reading a new book every month!”
Challenges come in all areas of life, most of us want to quit when we are in the middle of studying! What bible verses did you turn to when it got tough?
“I had a few, but the main scripture is John 10:10 about God giving us life and life more abundantly. I think an abundant life can be different thing to different people. But it’s like coming out of yourself and being free in who you are.”
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to set a 2016 challenge?
“This isn’t in any particular order, but:
Pray about it: It’s really pleasing to God to go to him with a request, concern or worry, and say this is what I want to do can you speak to me or show me through a bible scripture or my friend or whoever. God speaks to us in different ways.
Write it down: So that you can always go back to it. I have a post-it note in my room and I look at it every morning. Be creative and visual.
Plan ahead: If it’s academic, give yourself enough revision time. Don’t leave it til the last minute. Actively plan so when you’re writing it down put steps in place. Speak to people around you, see if anyone has done anything similar before. Seeking advice and planning ahead are really important.
Make it measurable: Be realistic and make it time sensitive. If you know you’ve set a goal but you can just do it whenever, its not going to give you that unction to want to do it. Also tell someone so they can badger you to do it!
DON’T QUIT!: Go with your heart and don’t quit, keep revisiting it. Keep remembering why you decided to do it. Remember what drives you.”
Thanks Simone! We feel super inspired and can’t wait to get started on our 2016 challenges.
Comment below with any challenge ideas.
For more from Simone you can follow her on Twitter @sclarkehenry, Snapchat sclarkehenry, and her Youtube channel: Simone Clarke – Henry