I haven’t had a cold all year. Logic suggests that I will now catch one because I’ve said that, but that’s a whole 11 months of cold-free living and I’m proud of that. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not like I go around precaution-less with a c’est la vie approach to germs. I’m a huge germaphobe so that probably helps (i.e. move if someone sneezes near you/don’t breath for a while and carry hand sanitizer everywhere) but here are the other things you can do to avoid colds this season.
*Warning mum vibes are strong*
Stock up on Vitamin C
And no orange juice doesn’t count. Well not really, especially if it’s from concentrate. Load up on the oranges, satsumas, clementines or fresh orange juice. The hit of vit c will keep your immune system in tiptop shape.
Cover up
Yes I sound like a grandma and no I don’t care. Leaving your chest exposed to the harsh climates of December is just asking for winter to do its worst. Your body works best at its optimum temp, which internally is a whopping 37°C. Not wrapping up means it has to work extra hard to get the temperature back up and is kind of just unnecessary stress to the system – sling a chic scarf over your shoulders.
Get some sleep
Not getting enough sleep can have all sorts of repercussions on your body. Everything renews, restores and recovers in your body whilst you sleep so depriving yourself of sleep is depriving your body the chance to be the best it can be – they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing! Try to get at least eight hours a night for optimum health.
Eat right
Just like with most things, when it comes to your diet, what you put in is what you get out. So if you’re only eating rubbish then you’ll feel rubbish. The best diet will always be a balanced one, in which your body receives all the nutrients it needs for keeping you well. That’s not to say stay away from the sweet stuff (I mean, we have chocolate to rescue from advent calendars at the moment amirite?!) but balance it out with greens and your immune system will love you forever!