I want you to take a second to think of three impossible moments in your life:
Here are mine:
- I watched a rom-comwithout crying (this just does not happen… I cry a lot)
- I ate a spaghetti carbonara pain free (I was gluten intolerant for four years before being healed)
- I supported Manchester United for one game (I am a Liverpool football fan, this was not easy, but it was the lesser of two evils (Man City being the second evil) – don’t worry God still loves you even if you support the wrong team.
Like our lives, the bible is jam packed of examples of God bringing unbelievable results from impossible situations.
Let’s have a look at Luke 2
Elizabeth was too old to have a baby – it was physically impossible – yet hello, John the Baptist? Nothing is impossible for God.
I know I sound like a song on repeat, but it’s such a good song! How many times have you listened to your favourite song? And I bet you know every single lyric. For me it’s the Hamilton sound track – I listen to it non-stop. But the only reason we know these songs so well, is because of how committed we are to listening to them.
It is so pivotal for our lives that we know our God does the impossible, because when we know this and I mean really know this, it doesn’t matter if you are ever told you are too young, too dumb, too shy, too loud, too *enter adjective*… told that it is not possible. But with God… with God we don’t have to be limited by ‘toos’ and ‘not possibles’. When we know the true lyrics of God’s melody, we have freedom to sing loudly that God can do all things and He does them for us.
Elizabeth quickly became pregnant after hearing from God. You see, when we receive a promise from God, its process has begun.
When a seed is planted we don’t immediately see the flower sprout, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t growing, right? It first has to grow roots, become familiar with its surroundings and gain strength to spring up, when the time is right. There are some promises from God in your life today that are developing underground, they are going to produce the most incredible flowers but first, they need to be given time to develop before they can thrive.
Elizabeth never could have imagined what God was planning to use her for, the importance her faithfulness and patience had, but she trusted that His plan was worthy of waiting for. The promises God has given you – girl, you have no idea that impact that they could have. You couldn’t even imagine they importance they hold, but you can bet that they will be great, and that they need to be taken care of.
Elizabeth teaches us so much about resilience and faithfulness. She gave her life to God and trusted in the identity He had given her over the one she could see. Over the one the world tried to restrict her to.
There will be times in your life where you feel like you are being restricted, or you can’t see a way forward. When that happens, ask God to reveal to you the impossible. Ask God to open your eyes and see things from His perspective instead of the world’s. Ask Him to remind you of the promises He has given you.
Without God she was a failure but with God, she was the beginning of an eternal plan – to have a relationship with Him. The world will try to point out everything that is wrong with you, but God gives you an identity based on everything that He has created you to be. Elizabeth shows us that waiting for the promise to be fulfilled is so worth it. We can’t rush it because although the promise has been given, you need to let it grow in your life before it is ready to conquer. When it finally comes into the light, God promises you will be completely overcome by his goodness.
So, keep going! God has got you, He has promises for you and if you know these protect them and nurture them, and if you don’t know them yet – how exciting! Ask God to give you them, they are yours, and He will gladly trust you to hold onto them until He is ready to use them in your life!
1 comment
Magical! ❤️????????