New Year is a great time to come up with new resolutions and goals for the year ahead, and these usually revolve around making changes for the better.
We all are always wanting new ways to improve our lives and be the best versions of ourselves. You’ve probably all heard the saying and seen the hashtag on social media #MyBestLife or #LivingMyBestLife and it got me thinking about what it really means to live your best life.
I think often we view living our best life as key moments that are worthy of Snapchat or Instagram. It could be the dream holiday your family are going on, or the feeling you get when you finally finish all your exams. Perhaps it’s the adrenaline rush you get from completing your first 10k run or maybe it’s the amazing birthday you celebrated with all your friends.
These things are great and so much fun, we should totally celebrate and share them, but your best life can’t be wrapped up only in the high’s of life. Your best life can’t be limited to moments, it needs to be found in the every day.
I believe that living your best life doesn’t always look picture perfect or glamorous. Sometimes living your best life is being able to get out of bed on your darkest days, or learning to finally forgive someone. Maybe it’s taking the courage to try something new, failing, and then trying again. Perhaps it’s waking up every day and being thankful for everything that you already have.
I guarantee you that there will be bigger moments than others, days when life feels soooo exciting, and that’s great that we have those. But don’t discount the little days, don’t ever spend a day thinking that you’re not living your best life. Who knows, it could be on your most insignificant day that you pray your most siginifcant prayer, a prayer that changes everything.
I don’t want to wake up in 50 years time and feel like I lived for the moments. I want to look back and be able to see the beauty in the every day. So this year why not challenge yourself to live your best life on a daily basis?! Begin each day with the attitude that this is your best day, and no matter how you might be feeling just know that with Jesus you have the power to do the very best that you can, whatever the circumstance.
The best is alwayyyys still to come when you’ve got God in control.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28