I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2016 has been a crazy roller coaster of a year. So much has happened that has literally flipped the world on it’s head. From Brexit, to Donald Trump being elected as the next US president and Honey G getting further on the X Factor than anyone would have imagined (I know, I know, most of you probably don’t care about that last one), unexpected events came flying in from left, right and centre.
And we can’t forget war and political unrest in the middle east and the numerous attacks all over the world that led to great loss of life.
The craziness of this year may have caused many of you to wonder where God has been in all of this stuff. It can sometimes cause us to question whether He’s all powerful and all loving like He says He is.
Just know that the truth of the matter remains the same; it’s unchanging even within all the instability and chaos in the world at present. God has been through it all, seen it all, watched it all and he still reigns over all.
Just like us, his heart breaks when He sees the evil acts of people that causes agony and grief for others, He despises it when people treat one another with disrespect and hatred. However, that doesn’t make our God any less in control. He remains seated on the throne and will do forever more.
Yes, we often don’t understand why God allows certain things to happen. It doesn’t seem to make sense right?! But the Bible says this in Isaiah 55:9:
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
God’s ways and thought processes are so much more advanced than ours, so much bigger than we could ever comprehend, that there are some things that we just won’t get right now. But God knows how things will turn out even before they take place.
In the knowledge of this, I encourage you to adopt King David’s attitude. Psalm 103:1 says:
“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
Beyond the pain, beyond the confusion, beyond the anger and beyond the not knowing, let’s praise the Lord with everything we’ve got. Yes, a lot of bad has happened this year, but think of His faithfulness, His goodness, His kindness and His blessings. Our God is worthy to be praised!