Genesis 19:1-28 is the story of the two angels arriving at Sodom. Lot showed them great respect but the rest of the city was not very welcoming. The angels told Lot to take his wife and two daughters out of the city of Sodom, so they don’t receive the punishment of the city because of the city’s horrific sins. Lot and his family were given strict instructions to leave the city and not look back. Unfortunately, on the way out of the city Lot’s wife looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt….Yes, a pillar of salt! Crazy, right?
It’s unclear why she looked back, but some people suspect that she wasn’t willing to completely let go of what she left in Sodom. The Hebrew for ‘looked back’ means more than just a glance over the shoulder, it means ‘to regard, to consider, to pay attention to.’
You’re probably wondering how this relates to you? Well, now we are in the New Year there are probably things you know you need leave in 2017. It could be anything from bad habits, negative thinking, or even certain relationships.
There may have been things you didn’t achieve in the last year and you are still dwelling on it. Now it’s 2018, why don’t you try a new thing – instead of dwelling on the past, let your past achievements and failures shape you positively.
“And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28
This passage reminds us that whatever happens in life God can make it work for our good. So, I want to encourage you; don’t look back, focus on the present. Write down what you have learnt from the previous season of your life. Use your mistakes, failures and disappointments to help you plan for your future.
You can’t change your past but you can definitely change your future with the help of God.
“You can’t start a new chapter in your life unless you stop re-reading the last one” – Unknown